We try our best to ship all packages within 1-3 business days of receipt of the order (excluding weekends and holidays). If there will ever be a delay in shipping we will post it on the Home page announcement banner and on our Instagram acct. @Idylwild ahead of time.
If you need to receive your order quickly, please select an expedited shipping option when checking out and send us a quick note with your order number at info@idylwildwoods.com to request an expedited processing time (there is no additional fee for this.) We naturally ship as soon as possible anyway, but it is good to have a heads up if there is an added urgency.
All orders $1,000 and over require a signature upon delivery.
Shipping rates are calculated based on delivery method, location and carrier at checkout. Please add the items you'd like to your cart and then enter your shipping address at checkout to determine shipping cost. You do not have to provide any payment info in order to see the shipping cost.All domestic orders over $100 automatically qualify for free shipping.
Damaged or Missing Packages
If you've received an email stating your package has been delivered, but your package isn't at your door, please check around the outside of your home (front/back porch, side/back door, garage area, bushes) as well as double-checking your mailbox to make sure it isn't wedged in the back or out of sight. Please also check in with your neighbors, roommates, doorman, or apartment mailroom/front desk if they may have received it for you.
If after three days, your package has still not been located/delivered, please contact us at info@idylwildwoods.com with your order number, so we may file a claim with the courier to launch an investigation and take the next steps in resolving this for you.
If your order arrived damaged please email us immediately with your order number, any information you have describing how you received it as well as photos of the damaged package, so that we may file a claim with the courier to launch an investigation to take the next steps in a resolution for you.
Idylwild will not be held liable for any orders stolen or damaged after they have been delivered, or any orders shipped to a third party service.